Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The 5 Step Lesson Plan

WBT has a format called the 5 step lesson plan.  This sounded much easier than what I had to do in college so I was right on board.  Especially since using my lesson plans as evidence for teacher evals (aka Indiana RISE) has been a goal of mine.

I gathered some more information on it here and here (and the video webcast 505 is here).  That night I stayed up an extra 45 minutes rewriting all of my lesson plans for the next 2 days.  Now it is super easy to fill in and I have a true record, assessment, and data all on one page!

Error in uploading my plans for you- I will keep working on it!

How does it work?  Well, let's go through the steps together!
1) Ask a question: exactly what it said, the students turn and ask the question to their partner.  This really has helped my kiddos who are slower to process and tend to get left behind in whole class instruction.  Built in process time!
2) Answer the questions with gestures: We do this using mirrors and repeat several times so that  I am able to see the engagement of all students.  We also do it several times because we are still building to the independence of teach.  After we answer together they teach each other (ie scaffolded instruction)
3) Expand/ Extend: This is the meat of the lesson.  Dig deeper with the answer, give examples, add some discussion if appropriate.  This is again good for my slow to process kiddos, and special needs kiddos.  Many of them are continuing to repeat the answer.  After this is out of their system (done fixating) they move into the deeper content with us.  Since beginning this format these are the kids making the greatest improvements!
4) Test: Oh yeah- formative instruction at its finest!  My kids love this part (they asked if they could show it to our principal).  Let me break it down into pieces
      *Yes/No Way:  I pose true and false statements about the concept.  If what I said is true or fits the concept they say "YES" using a gesture (elbow bent, move arm across chest with hand in a fist).  If the statement is false or does not fit the concept they say "NO WAY" and move both hands from forehead flick wrists up and out.  ( Gestures confusing- see video)
   *QT: Quick Test, students cover their eyes and do a thumbs up and thumbs down for the statements i give.  Again this is how the statements connect to the concept.  This way I can look around the room and see who is getting it and who is not.  When 90% are getting it move on to the next step.  If less than 90%- head back to step 3.
   *There is also a Prove It step which we have not implemented yet due to our age and how much we are getting thrown at us at the moment.  When we add to our lesson plans I will let you know!
5) Critical thinking: Welcome to the world of common core.  I have to admit I was afraid of this step because some of my students do not write (several ENL who are just learning letters).  In this section you pose and open ended task in which students demonstrate what they learned.  I have done this through post-it notes, drawings, turn and talks, and journals.  I have found that having something concrete from this step is beneficial for me data.

I use this format for my entire literacy block.  I am still trying it out and practicing.  I have been reminded to slow down and give the kids a chance to really take it in.  This has helped me- and more importantly it is helping them.

I use the Daily 5/ CAFE model (from the sisters) for literacy.  Between each work station I do a lesson that follows this format.  My lessons are never more than 15 minutes.  Depending on the content they may be less.  It is fast pace, but my kids know to be ready to learn.  We are not wasting instructional time!  We are doing so much further, and so much deeper!

Give the plan a try, and see how your kids respond.  Especially if they are loosing some excitement in this cold, gray time of year!

Happy teaching! 

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